In this post, let's take a look at VBA code/function to concatenate string. Like in Microsoft Excel concatenate function you cant provide function with range. So you have to provide function with each cell at a time which is time consuming. The best solution to help
VBA Code
Function VBAConcatenate(target As Range, delimiter As String) As String
Dim str As String
For Each c In target
str = str + delimiter + c
Next c
If delimiter = "" Then
VBAConcatenate = str
VBAConcatenate = Right(str, Len(str) - 1)
End If
End Function
VBAConcatenate require following parameters
Target: Target is range of cell you wish to concatenate.
Delimiter: Delimiter is any separator you want to use between concatenated text.
Example 1: You have A, B, C and D in range C6:C9 and you want the results as ABCD than you will use VBAConcate in following manner.
Formula: =VBAConcatenate(C6:C9,"") will return ABC
Click on image below to view enlarge
Example 2: You have A, B, C , D and E in range A6:E6 and you want the results as A|B|C|D|E than you will use VBAConcate in following manner.
Formula: =VBAConcatenate(A6:E6,"|" ) will return A|B|C|D|E
Click on image below to view enlarge
Note this is very useful when you want to type a SQL query. In a query you need field name separated by comma. I use this function to get me list of field names in query.
You can also download the Microsoft Excel file with VBAconcatenate examples here. Just click on link below, to view code press Alt + F11
The only issue with user define functions like VBAConcatenate is they remain limited to that MS Excel workbook where they are written. To use then in all workbooks on your system, you will have to convert this function into add-ins. So, once you install them on your computer you can use VBAConcatenate than in any workbook. You can download VBAConcatenate add-in here.
Click here to download Add-ins
If you need help with installing add-ins, please visit my earlier post How to install Add-ins.
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